
Before and After

Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures

While every woman's body is unique, these are example photos of natural-looking breast augmentation results that may be achieved with Mentor breast implants.

Photos courtesy of Dr. Fabian Weiller (Germany)

Photos courtesy of Dr. Bill Adams (USA)

Photos courtesy of Dr। Claudio De Lorenzi (Canada)

Incision and Breast Implant Placement Choices

breast augmentation anatomy informationBreast Anatomy

The breast is made up of fatty, glandular and fibrous tissues. Inside it are blood vessels, milk ducts, fat, glands, and sensory nerves. Beneath the breast is the pectoralis major, which is a large muscle that assists in arm movement.


Breast augmentation is normally performed using one of three common incision sites: around the nipple (periareolar), within the breast fold (inframammary) or under the arm (transaxillary).

breast implant incision photo
  • Periareolar – This incision offers the benefit of being the most concealed. However, it might cause some interference with breast feeding.
  • Inframammary – This incision is very popular because it is concealed in the skin fold below the breast.
  • Transaxillary – This incision is less concealed, but it might be a good option for women who do not want any scars on their breasts.

Your doctor will explain each incision choice to you in greater detail and help you make a decision about which one is right for you.

Breast Implant Placement

During a breast augmentation procedure, your implants will either be placed under the chest muscle (submuscular), or on top of the muscle and under the breast glands (subglandular). Your doctor can talk with you about how both placement options relate to your individual needs, so that you can make a decision about which option is right for you.

  • Submuscular placement may reduce the chances of your implants being felt through your skin, and it may help reduce the chance of scar tissue hardening around your implants. It also will make it easier to image your breast during a mammogram. Possible disadvantages of this placement choice could be a longer surgery and recovery period.

  • Subglandular placement can make your augmentation surgery shorter and reduce your recovery time. A possible disadvantage could be having your implant edges more visibly noticeable under your skin. Imaging during a mammogram can also be more difficult when your implants are placed subglandularly.

breast implant placement photo

Silicone gel-fill material

Gel-filled breast implants are filled with a cohesive gel substance that feels like a normal breast. All of Mentor’s gel implants use gel that is cohesive, safe and aesthetically pleasing. We offer three degrees of cohesive filling material:

  • Cohesive I, the softest-feeling gel

  • Cohesive II, slightly firmer

  • Cohesive III, Mentor’s firmest gel

The Contour Profile® gel is filled with the most cohesive gel to maintain its natural shape

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