
Jack London HAL 9000 村上春樹 Göring

特定失踪??Show Biz版?
Cut Up In Piecesってフライドチキン風だなあ。モルガンだったのね。


│ └国柱会(宮沢賢治・石原莞爾が所属)
│ ├─立正佼成会(白眞勲を支援)
│ ├─佛所護念会
│ └─その他
├顕正会 ←コレだよ!

もともと日蓮宗というのはキチガイ教。蒙古から国を護るために活躍した、というのが日蓮宗の 発祥なので、異常にファナティックであり、国粋主義的であり、戦闘的で、今回の顕正会騒動、創価学会と犬猿。どれくらい仲が悪いかというと、中核派と革マ ル派くらい仲が悪いw 。ルーツ は同一なので、やってる事は創価学会と同じだ。

HAL 9000、10歳

2007年1月12日はHAL 9000の10歳(映画版)の誕生日
1968年に発表された映画「2001年宇宙の旅」において、ディスカバリー号に搭載され船内制御を一任されたこの人工知能 (AI)はチューリングテストもクリア、彼の誕生とされた日付から10年以上経つものの現実世界ではAIの実現化は難しい。

1876年 - ジャック・ロンドン小説家(+ 1916年
1893年 - ヘルマン・ゲーリング、政治家・軍人(+ 1946年
1899年 - パウル・ヘルマン・ミュラー化学者(+ 1965年
1948年 - 新井将敬、政治家(+ 1998年
1949年 - 村上春樹作家
1997年 - HAL9000が米国イリノイ州アラバマにて誕生(完成)した。



Goersuicide.jpg (43KB, MIMEタイプ: image/jpeg)

Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires Get Married

Thanks to a group over at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, hybrid carbon-metal nanostructures might any day be making a honeymoon journey into an implantable medgadget:

The new structures, which are described in a recent issue of Applied Physics Letters, could help overcome some of the key hurdles to using carbon nanotubes in computer chips, displays, sensors, and many other electronic devices.

The impressive conductivity of carbon nanotubes makes them promising materials for a wide variety of electronic applications, but techniques to attach individual nanotubes to metal contacts have proven challenging. The new approach allows the precise attachment of carbon nanotubes to individual metal pins, offering a practical solution to the problem of using carbon nanotubes as interconnects and devices in computer chips.

"This technique allows us to bridge different pieces of the nanoelectronics puzzle, taking us a step closer to the realization of nanotube-based electronics," said Fung Suong Ou, the paper's corresponding author and a graduate student in materials science and electrical engineering at Rensselaer.

As chip designers seek to continually increase computing power, they are looking to shrink the dimensions of chip components to the nanometer scale, or about 1-100 billionths of a meter. Carbon nanotubes and nanowires that became available in the 1990s are promising candidates to act as connections at this scale, according to Ou, because they both possess interesting properties.

For example, carbon nanotubes display amazing mechanical strength, and they are excellent conductors of electricity, with the capacity to produce interconnects that are many times faster than current interconnects based on copper. Gold nanowires also have very interesting optical and electrical properties, and they are compatible with biological applications, Ou said.

"In order to take full advantage of these materials, we demonstrate the idea of combining them to make the next generation of hybrid nanomaterials," he said. "This approach is a good method to marry the strengths of the two materials."

The metal nanowires in this technique are made using an alumina template that can be designed to have pore sizes in the nanometer range. Copper or gold wires are deposited inside the pores, and then the entire assembly is placed in a furnace, where a carbon-rich compound is present. When the furnace is heated to high temperatures, the carbon atoms arrange themselves along the channel wall of the template and the carbon nanotubes grow directly on top of the copper wires.

A microscopic version of Rodin's famed sculpture "The Thinker" is just about twice the size of a red blood cell at 20 millionths of a meter high. Credit: Dong-Yol Yang et al., Applied Physics Letters

Morgan Stanley Man Cut Up In Pieces

Morganstanley The latest news from Tokyo is that some there was another bodily chop up uncovered this week, this time involving an employee of (GASP!) the prestigious high-rolling global investment bank, Morgan Stanley. This time, the 32-year old wife of the Morgan Stanley man bought a saw and some plastic bags at Tokyu hands, clubbed her husband on the head with a wine bottle in their schmancy 11th floor apartment in the heart of Shibuya, and then took parts of his body to different parts of the city.

Yes, the torso found in Shinjuku and the lower half found in Shibuya that I blogged about last month have been confirmed to be psycho bitch's husbands. His name was Yusuke Mihashi.

Let me leave you with some of the lovely excuses psycho killer wife gave investigators as she spilled her confession and helped them locate the missing head:

"The body was heavier than expected so I cut it up. It was difficult to move it by myself."

"I had been arguing with him over many different things. I suffered from domestic violence. He denied my existence and showed no respect for what I had been doing."

"I could not be the person I am, because our ways of living never matched."

Body trail leads to wife, confession [Japan Times] (Thanks, mom!)

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