
アルジャジーラ「慰安婦決議、なぜ日本だけが? ベトナム戦争や黒人奴隷は問題ないのか?」

“The U.S. wants to create trouble between Japan, China and Korea”
04/07/2007 01:35:00 PM GMT
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A U.S. official said Japan has to apologize for sex slavery during World War II. Why only Japan?
A U.S. official said Japan has to apologize for sex slavery during World War II.
Why only Japan? How about the U.S. for killing thousands of innocent Vietnamese women and children by dropping chemical weapons, bringing African people by force as slaves, displacing and killing American natives? Are those things OK? The American official further said that the United States wants to put its friend on the right track. How about your friend Australia? Did Australia apologize for kidnapping Aboriginal children from their parents in the 60s? Did they apologize for killing so many Aboriginals?
Does the U.S. really want to put Tokyo on the right track, or create trouble between Japan, China and Korea? The U.S. wants to fulfil its own goals by destabilizing the region!
Kula MingSource: AJP

1 名前: 魔法少女(青森県) 投稿日:2007/08/03(金) 13:57:12 ID:/mwFSD8h0 ?PLT“The U.S. wants to create trouble between Japan, China and Korea”“アメリカは日本と中国朝鮮の間に問題を起こしたい”A U.S. official said Japan has to apologize for sex slavery during World War II.Why only Japan?アメリカは日本が第二次大戦中の性奴隷たちに謝るべきだと言った。なぜ日本だけが?How about the U.S. for killing thousands of innocent Vietnamese womenand children by dropping chemical weapons, bringing African people by force as slaves,displacing and killing American natives? Are those things OK?何故日本だけが(過去の行為を)問われるのだろう?アメリカもベトナム戦争で化学兵器を投下して罪のないベトナム人女性や子供を何千人と殺しているし、暴力によりアフリカ人を奴隷としてアメリカに連行した。そしてアメリカ原住民は土地を奪われ殺略された。こうした(アメリカの所行は)問題ないのだろうか?The American official further said that the United States wants to put its friend on the righttrack. How about your friend Australia? Did Australia apologize for kidnapping Aboriginalchildren from their parents in the 60s? Did they apologize for killing so many Aboriginals?アメリカの高官は、日本を正しい道に導きたいとまで述べた。だがアメリカの盟友である豪州はどうだろう?豪州は60年代にアボリジン原住民の子供を両親から誘拐したことに関して謝罪したことがあるだろうか?Does the U.S. really want to put Tokyo on the right track, or create trouble between Japan,China and Korea? The U.S. wants to fulfil its own goals by destabilizing the region!アメリカは本当に日本を正しい道に導きたいのか、それとも日本と中国、韓国の離間をおこす問題をおこしたいのか?アメリカは地域の不安定化をもたらすことにより、自分の目的を達成したいようだ。http://www.aljazeera.com/news/newsfull.php?newid=17377
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