
Sniper Taro Asshole 13 vs ”Itchy Low Oh! Sour!"Oh! Mother Fucker""!!

(or arsehole in British English)Posted by Picasa

Political usage

In 2000, during a Labor Day event, then candidate George W. Bush made an off-hand remark to his running mate, Dick Cheney, that New York Times reporter Adam Clymer was a "major league asshole." The gaffe was caught on mic and led to a political ad chiding Bush for "using expletives... in front of a crowd of families," produced for Democratic opponent Al Gore. [4]

In February 2004, American media reported that during a rally of supporters, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called Bush "an asshole" for believing his aides in supporting a coup against Chavez in 2002. [5]. The following year, in September, Nightline host Ted Koppel said to Chavez on national television, "I'm going to perhaps shock you a little, but these are your words. You called President Bush an asshole," to which Chavez replied, "I've said various things about him. I don't know if I actually used that word."[6]

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