

アメリカのコネチカット州で、灯台が1ドル(約120円)で売りに出されたそうです。ただしこの灯台、実際に人が死んだ「いわく付き」の建物で、買うともれなく幽霊が付いてきます。詳細は以下の通り。Conn. lighthouse on sale for $1: Ghost of drowned keeper, free - Offbeat - BostonHerald.comこの記事によると、アメリカの共通役務庁は、コネチカット州のフェアフィールドビーチから1.1マイル(約1.8キロメートル)沖合にある、ロングアイランド湾に囲まれたPenfield灯台を1ドルで買い取ってくれる人を捜しているそうです。この灯台は1874年に建造されたもので、高さは51フィート(約15.5メートル)あり、2階が灯台守のための住居部分になっていますが、1916年に灯台守であったFrederick Jordanという人物が灯台のそばでボートが転覆して溺れ死んで以来、奇妙なことが起こる場所となったようです。当時の話によると、Frederick Jordanが溺れ死んでから2週間後、Jordanの幽霊が灯台の階段から暗闇の中に向けて走り抜けていくのを、彼のアシスタントであった Rudolph Itenという人物が見たそうです。そしてその後日誌を見ると、Jordanの死を記録したページが勝手に開かれていたとのこと。逆にお金をもらっても欲しくありませんねこれは…。

lighthouse on sale for $1: Ghost of drowned keeper, freeBy Associated PressMonday, July 9, 2007 FAIRFIELD, Conn. - For sale: $1 property surrounded by Long Island Sound off the coast of Fairfield. Must be able to cope with possible haunting.
The U.S. General Services Administration is seeking a buyer for the Penfield Lighthouse, built in 1874 about 1.1 miles from Fairfield Beach. It is said to be the site of strange occurrences following the drowning of lighthouse keeper Frederick Jordan in 1916.
The agency is offering the lighthouse for $1 in “as is” condition to local, state or federal government agencies or nonprofit organizations. Those interested will have to submit an application identifying their proposed uses of the lighthouse, besides that of a navigational beacon, and how they will pay for that use and maintenance.
Fairfield First Selectman Kenneth Flatto said the town is very interested in acquiring the property, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The 51-foot-tall lighthouse sits on a concrete foundation surrounded by rocks. It is attached to a two-story keeper’s residence.
According to legend, Jordan drowned in December 1916 when his boat capsized near the lighthouse and appeared as a ghost two weeks later to his assistant, Rudolph Iten, the Connecticut Post reported yesterday.
Iten took over for Jordan after his death. In his log, Iten wrote that Jordan’s apparition glided down the tower’s stairs and disappeared into darkness. Iten then found the keeper’s log opened to the page that documented Jordan’s death, the Post reported.© Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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